IndieCade has come and gone, today has become yesterday, and tomorrow is another day of opportunities waiting to be processed for the history books. I met some solid peeps this year and reunited with some I hadn’t seen since Unite 2014. At IndieXchange I was able to show A Duel Hand Disaster for a solid two hours, which somehow resulted in my ability to show the game again at the end of the day for another two hours during the dinner reception hosted by Microsoft. This was different from the E3 showing this year since E3 is hella more intense and loud; I didn’t have to raise my voice anywhere near that volume. Regardless I got my points across. I think the build I had was pretty solid but still extremely early but the response was fucking great. It solidified and most importantly justified my design.

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Earlier in the year at PAX South I met up with Garnett Lee (formerly of 1UP, Weekend Confirmed, now at Amazon) and I showed him an extremely early build of the game. Plenty of mechanics and systems were not yet implemented but we discussed the different ways to balance the focus between both sides of the screen. After the meeting he casually mentioned how he thought I’d be lost in development for the next two and half years at least since I was “just one dude.” I don’t blame the guy for not understanding my work ethic. 15 minutes left in my IndieXchange presentation I hear a voice behind me “Jaycee, the game has come a long way!” I turn around only to find out the voice was coming from none other than Garnett Lee. Words can’t express the satisfaction I got from hearing that. I tore down my setup and had a chat with him and Jesse Freeman. My day was made.

IndieCade 2015 has led to some super rad things that I’ll post soon, but for now enjoy this gallery of pics. To Jeb, Ashley, James, Jared and of course my buddy Mike Minjarez, you guys are legit. Hope to see those guys again soon. In the meantime I’ve got some deadlines to meet.
