2017-08-12 18.45.55.jpg

"All the records past yesterday, don't mean much to me, I'll play around with the suspense until my tomorrow ends"

After the the 24 hour livestream ended I contemplated immediately posting an update, but instead listened to my girlfriend’s advice and went straight to bed. Next thing I knew it was 10am the following day. First thing I did was make us breakfast. Some of the best cornbread waffles and eggs I’d made in a long while. I immediately got back to work, much to the chagrin of my extremely supportive lady friend. She requested, maybe pleaded, that I take the day off. I sorta did, but I never really can. 

I started to look back on what I’d learned from the process. One word, tons. However, one thing stood out over all. Email after email, event after event, no amount of video or spectating can do this game justice. People need to get their hands on the game to really understand it and have it sink it’s teeth into you, then have those people tell other people and allow them access to the game as well. If that access is not available the energy and the chain dies there. This doesn’t mean I believe the game to have some type of viral appeal, that would be idiotic. There were plenty of signs that pointed to this, but primary among them was SAAM Arcade, and the Nintendo Switch announcement. Just like the PS4 announcement early last year the trolls came out in droves talking their shit without ever having played the game, and as expected they weren’t counting on my dumbass coming in to set the record straight. The difference this time was that there were people in the comments who were actually coming out in it’s “defense.” Floored is an understatement.

So here’s the thing. I’ve always said I hate asking for money without giving something in return. Plenty of you have reached out and offered, some even way before this Kickstarter had even started <3<3<3, to give money or show some form of support for the game. I simply cannot express my gratitude to you guys enough. Seriously. 

I’ve had my reservations about this in the past, but I felt the same way about Kickstarter and here we are. I’m going to put the game into Early Access on Steam. You guys now have the choice of deciding whether or not to support the game directly. For those of you who would like the opportunity to “offer more support” it will be up on itch.io as well with a Steam Key included. I will not expect it, nor in any way demand it of you. You guys know who you are and regardless of your choice it will not in any way change my opinion of you. You guys have earned a super special place in my heart without any ounce of doubt.

When I was kid I could have never imagined I’d be releasing a game on a major console, let alone three. Let’s face it anyone can release a game on Steam, and I don’t mean that condescendingly in any way shape or form, it’s just that I personally see consoles as the ultimate form of “you made it.” Think about it as releasing an album on iTunes over putting the work into touring your ass off to make it sell millions and appearing on Conan, or SNL back when watching bands on SNL was worth it :D

Since the PC version of the game is currently the most complete, it’s also in a way the most daunting.  It’s the most open of the platforms; meaning tons of different combinations of CPUs, GPUs, memory, and of course OS’s, that it could actually benefit from Early Access. I don’t have to hire a third party company to do the testing we can do that together. I can test multiple setups of macOS, and yes even SteamOS. I know you all are out there. You're the ones who asked! So yes you guys will be helping me get the game ready for consoles. Again it’s your choice. I also don’t want to promise much in the way of new “features” or things of that nature, but who knows. The awesome thing is we’ll be on this venture together. Hell, if all you want to do is play the game that works also.

First on the agenda is getting these damn leaderboards where they need to be so who’s with me?

I’m currently doing this work in the background and getting this all set up with Valve. I’m hoping to announce this at PAX West 2017 since, you know, IndieMEGABOOTH and all. Obstacles are there to test your patience and the value of the objective to you and you alone. As I’ve always said I’m not here to spend time on those who doubt what I can do, I’m here for those who respect what I’ve actually done. 83 backers....

<3 Jaycee
