It's about time I come to grips with this. Man have I been struggling hard with this decision. I'm officially putting the Xbox and PlayStation versions of ADHD on indefinite hiatus. Even as I type this I can’t quite say it’s DEFINITE, just….not now or in the foreseeable future. It has not been for lack of trying that’s for damn sure. It just seems like every time I get to “finishing up” those versions there’s a new update, or something breaks to the point where it takes me back a couple hundred steps. I keep telling myself “Hey you fucking released the game on a console that didn’t even exist when you started this endeavor.” Hell this was originally supposed to release on the PlayStation Vita. Be proud of something. It’s an accomplishment for damn sure. It’s been a crazy fucking ride folks. Some behind the scenes stuff that has crushed me to no end, but I can only hope she’d be proud of my moving forward.

There is, and always will be a light at the end of this tunnel. Always. Positive. Glass half full.

At the very least now that I got leaderboards working (still need to finalize them) I can commit to pushing the update for Switch, and leaving Early Access on Steam. Steam, for the most part, has been fully functional for a while now. Achievements and all. Albeit on a private branch.

I hope y’all understand. If there’s one thing to take from this the new project I’d been teasing for awhile now will have my full attention. You don’t make your first game without learning a few things. You don’t walk into the woods without making a few friends and lighting some fires. You don’t make friends like @legolamaniac, and NOT thank him for every second he’s spent teaching you things.

To everybody who’s stuck around this long…I hope to not let you down and I thank you, sincerely from the pits of my heart for sticking around. If you thought my energy was high during ADHD’s lifespan. Well, you haven’t seen anything yet. It’s extremely difficult letting something go…extremely...difficult, but when you are given signs in multiple ways…it’s time.

Never lose sight of your mission. Never give up, but know when to own up and call it.

Risk ‘Em Up!!!!

<3 Jaycee - #arcadeIsNotDeadAndNeitherAmI

You can, as always, continue to get dev updates here or over on
