EPArtistsGuildFlyer Ok guys, so I don't normally do this (push for donations) but I will this time. Please support this show regardless of what you think of ANY of these bands. This show is not about them but about the cause. I'll admit I was completely oblivious to the benefit part of this show when I first glanced at this flyer, but once I found out what it was for and who it was benefitting I immediately 180'd. Tickets are only $5 and if you can't make it at least buy the ticket, maybe even give it to someone who can. Yes I'm essentially asking you to make a donation to this cause. I do not break from this easily but when it comes to seeing scrap roam the earth while good down-to-earth legit fucking people suffer it basically cracks any barrier I have of containment.

[[[Buy tickets here]]] or at Tricky Falls the day of the show.
